
The Three Different styles / types of Visual Arts / Painting

Art styles are very confusing for people to understand and follow. For example, one common thing you will see someone say when they see a painting is that it is impressionistic. They do not understand what that means. There are only 3 types of painting styles. Everything else is just a sub-category under these styles. Art movements really don’t mean anything and never had. They are just trends and people like to follow trends. Here are the 3 different styles or types of painting that can be made.


The first type of visual art / painting style is Realistic. The realistic style renders reality almost the same as we see it. Realistic painting has always been used going as far back as ancient Greek paintings or cave paintings. Here are some realistic painting examples:

Realistic Painting Style

The second type of painting style is Abstract. The abstract style can be seen is looser painting sketches or plein air paintings. Abstract painting has always been used and can be seen even in cave painting.

Abstract Painting Style

The last style of painting is Non-Representational. This style doesn’t represent anything from life. You will see this style in painting with paint drips or cool designs that represent nothing. This style can be seen all the way back to cave painting. This style can be seen on the reverse side of Lugubrious Fragrance by Joel Barnett which can be exclusively in Barnett Gallery at 114 A West Poinsett st, Greer SC 29650 located in Greenville SC.

Non-Representational painting style

These are the three types of painting styles that can be made. Art movements are fake and do not exist. Stay tuned for more art news and updates on Greenville SC art gallery at Barnett Gallery in downtown Greer SC.

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