How to draw BUNNY RABBIT drawing easy STEP BY STEP realistic with shading HARE
Bunny drawing it easy if you follow this step by step drawing guide tutorial for kids, beginners, adults, and advanced drawing sketching sketchers.
Begin the rabbit drawing to outlining the bunny silhouette using straight lines and ovals to create supreme volume to the contour of the form sketch.

Start to sketch in the the bunnies head with your number 2 hb pencil using fur around the edges. Detail in the dark pupils with added shine on gloss top. SHow the rabbit ready to nibble on carrot with snout and muzzle.

Next step, follow with the along the form of the hare body with fluffy cute and cool rabbit fur with rabbit feet also in the mix. Add chest fur to the chest hair of the bunny body to show the rabbit hopping in motion.

Shade the rabbit head using advanced shading tactics explained in earlier human anatomy courses on this website.

Compete this bunny drawing by adding in the rest of the shadows to the rabbits body and legs.

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