How to draw SHREK drawing easy STEP BY STEP realistic realism shading SHREKT THE MOVIE 5
SHREK drawing can be super easy / quick / fun / simple / memey / and fast if you follow this step by step art drawing how to tutorial for kids and adults and beginners and advanced artists and artisans.
Let Shrek outlline himself with the pencil you are holding guide the way across the unique troll body form of SHrek now in theaters. Sketch in shrek shirt and trousers with gigantic head added.

Now that the outline of Shrek the movie is done, begin detailing in SHREKS head with facial features like troll ears, troll mouth, troll eyes, troll eyebrows and humongous double chin.

Now you have drawn the huge double chin, begin to carefully cross hatch the massive belly with belt for support. Also you can add shadows to the left and right arms if you want.

Finish the shrek monster drawing artwork by shading in the vest of the mutant brown color. Also use realistic shading for added realism for Shrek pants and boots.

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