How to Draw SKELETON human anatomy step by step tutorial easy simple sketch drawing head face with side / front view
Skeleton how to draw is easy if you follow this simple step by step drawing / sketching tutorial. Barnett Gallery online human anatomy art classes are available for beginners and advanced students. Learn the skeletal bone structure and create exquisite renderings of the human form.
Start this skeleton drawing by lighting sketching in the contour lines of the skeletal structure of bones. This step is the most important part of the skeleton sketch. Make sure to use rapid finger strokes to make the energy flow freely. This gives the skeleton drawing rapid movements in the line work. Draw the face, head, collar bone, rib cage, hip bone, spine bone, leg bones, and hand and feet bones. This stage is the setup for the next stage in how to draw a skeleton. Make sure to also watch the reference video and follow the step by step guide on
For step 2, begin to use the sharper end of the pencil to outline the details around the bones. When drawing human skeleton anatomy, make sure to use a quality pen or color pencil and newsprint paper to get the correct sketch marks.
In this step, things are starting to get more serious. Work the skull head and place the eye sockets and nasal passages with addition of the mandible with 20 primary teeth and 32 secondary (permanent) teeth. Use shading to bring out the frontal bone, temporal bone, zygomatic bone, maxilla. Make sure to indicate the 7th cervical vertebra as a drawing landmark. Indicate the sternum, clavicle, and shoulder girdle with rapid brush strokes.
Now carry out the drawing technique throughout the whole human skeleton. Sketch the femur (thigh), patella (kneecap), and the leg (tibia and fibula). DO the same with foot which is maybe also called a phalanges of toes.
Now the skeleton sketch is getting really easy. Let’s begin the next stage of the drawing process. Make sure to hit the like and subscribe button to get more content like this content you are watching right now. Use the same drawing technique from before for the skeleton side view.
Now this is real gaming. Begin to use intense line quality to fill in the form shapes of the foundational structure of the human anatomy course skeleton pro.
Using this simple drawing tutorial of online art classes, finish the shading of the skeleton and make sure to use half tone shading values to fill in great shadow shapes. Now that the drawing tutorial is finished make sure to goto the next anatomy lesson which is the upper body and chest then arms including forearms ulna and radius.